

NextJS Refactor: Stack

This series of articles aims to present the front-end stack that runs this blog and take the opportunity to talk about various techniques that you might want to use. This first article is purely introductory and will help everyone find their way around later.

You can find the blog code here if you're interested:


React is a front-end framework that allows you to create websites in JS. This framework simplifies the management of site / app state and user interactions.

I had presented this a bit in the past on two occasions:


NextJS is a "thin" overlay on top of React that handles some things automatically. We will have the opportunity to come back to some of these points during the various articles in this series, but in bulk it manages:

  • Routing
  • Code spliting
  • Babel/Webpack/TypeScript configuration
  • A lot of React optimizations


Vercel is the company that produces NextJS. Previously called Zeit, its main product allows you to:

  • Easily deploy a front-end project
  • Deploy serverless APIs
  • Manage ones DNS domains

This is the product I use for deploying this blog.


MDX is like MarkDown but extended. One of the major points that is useful here is that it supports adding React components.


TypeScript is a language that will be compiled into JavaScript. It looks exactly like the JS with the notable difference that it adds a "type" to different things (functions, parameters, objects). The types will be checked at compile time to avoid certain errors in production.

Articles in the serie

  • How to properly load a font (in french)
  • Dark and Light theme (with scss) (in french)
  • MDX and syntaxtic coloration (in french)
  • Dev tools and deployment (Eslint, etc…) (in french)
  • Internationalization (later)
  • Working on a budget (later)
  • CSS-in-JS avantages and flaws (later)
  • Usefull patterns in React (later)
  • NextJS: Why and how? (later)